What a fabulous evening. Think Floyd is a world class tribute to Pink Floyd. They are accomplished musicians who give a performance of quality and authenticity.
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What a fabulous evening. Think Floyd is a world class tribute to Pink Floyd. They are accomplished musicians who give a performance of quality and authenticity.
Think Floyd is a world class tribute to Pink Floyd, and the sound they produce is just like listening to Pink Floyd. I can offer no higher praise and it’s the highest accolade a tribute can desire. They are accomplished musicians who give a performance of quality and authenticity. And Wow! That was my first thought when I heard them. Not only are these consummate professional musicians who deliver in abundance, but they gave us some of the best Pink Floyd songs in existence along with a laser show. There were songs from Wish You Were Here and Dark Side Of The Moon but tonight the star of the show is The Wall which celebrates its 40th anniversary and tonight we get to hear it in full. Yes, the whole double album.
Timing is something that is needed for The Wall as it is interspersed with sections of soundtracks and phone calls ("That’s a man answering"), and the timing by Think Floyd was impeccable. The sounds and each individual song were absolutely perfect. I was genuinely impressed.
The audience loved it and gave a rapturous applause. I found myself looking up their next dates to see if there is another near me as I would go again in a heartbeat. The band members are Lewis Hall on Bass, Richard Morse on Guitar, Steven Farmer on Drums and Kirk McLeod on Keyboards came out after the show to meet the audience which is always a really nice touch.
I had an interesting and worthwhile visit to see Think Floyd, at the Waterside Theatre, Aylesbury, yesterday evening. I'd previously seen the band, many years ago, at Aylesbury Civic Centre, and on that occasion, I'd been impressed by the faithfulness to the original sound, and by the band's willingness to play some of the less well-known, earlier, songs.
I've seen a lot of Pink Floyd tribute bands, over the years, and most stick rigidly to a list of songs, the same as are on 'The Delicate Sound of Thunder' live album. Think Floyd go beyond that and explore other areas. At the beginning of the show, Lewis announced it would be a performance of 'The Wall', because it's the 40th anniversary of the album being released. My heart sank, because it's an album I've really never liked, and I didn't enjoy the film either. I enjoyed the opening songs, 'Time' and 'that Great Gig in the Sky. The female vocalist, Rosie, gave the most note-perfect delivery of the vocal solo that I've heard and was actually less shrill than the original recording.
When we went into the start of 'The Wall', I realised that the energy of the performance, the musical skill and the lighting would all combine to make up for the deficiencies in Roger Waters' lyrics and sound-bite songwriting, (on the original album). I can't say that I enjoyed it all, but it isn't meant to be enjoyed. I would say, however, that I have a new respect for the album and huge admiration for the band, after yesterday.
A return to older songs, starting with 'One of these days', as the show neared its conclusion, reminded me of why I enjoy Pink Floyd's music so much. The encore of 'Brain Damage', through into 'Eclipse', was masterful and clever.
Thank you to everyone involved in the show!
Thank you so much for a fantastic night , I have been a fan of the Floyd for over 50 years and just to see there work preformed by such a bunch of fantastic musicians is such a privilege , I purchased two tickets for the show and brought a younger brother with me , he was not really a Floyd fan although he knew the music , I can honestly say he is now , thanks to the think floyd
.....ps cant wait to see you again in the near future....
Amazing show as always. You get better every time we see you.
Great night in aylesbury thank you xx
What a stunning album The Wall is and your performance of it last night was fantastic. A real test of your musicianship passed with flying colours!
As well as the obvious crowd-pleasers such as "Run Like Hell", I loved the way tracks like "The Trial" were delivered.
When music this good is played this well it becomes a truly theatrical experience.
Fantastic, as always
Amazing gig in Aylesbury tonight. You guys just keep getting better and better. Big stage, lovely arena, big sound, big production, great acoustics, that is the best I have ever heard you sound. A truly brilliant show. Richard's Comfortably Numb solo was his best yet, just awesome! See you next week in Kings Lynn, can't wait!
Surpassed my expectations by miles - thanks for a great gig in Aylesbury tonight, superb set, great sound and lights, thoroughly enjoyed it.
liambrown9393 Amazing show by Think Floyd @thinkfloyduk at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre
If you're a Pink Floyd fan, I strongly recommend @ThinkFloydUK. Saw them live in Aylesbury last night. Great performance of The Wall in its entirety. Really keeping the music alive.
What a fabulous treat to hear The Wall on my birthday, especially Comfortably Numb which was excellent tonight. See you again soon and thanks x
It was fantastic, as always!
Just seen these guys at The Waterside Arena in Aylesbury. Bloody amazing!!! A must see for any Pink Floyd fans. I will be seeing again as urgently as possible.
Great night. Thanks guys
Wow just seen Think Floyd perform the Wall in Aylesbury. Very impressive. Well done.
I will definitely be coming to see you again when you’re back in Aylesbury xxx
What a fabulous treat to hear The Wall on my birthday, especially Comfortably Numb which was excellent tonight. See you again soon and thanks x
Excellent super the best, just love it
Great show ! a tribute band with their own identity and amazing skillz